Monday, February 20, 2006

The Husband's Kimchi...a look ahead to THK2

it's my turn to play the Great Meal Chooser and so i've chosen korean to be the theme of our next dinner. a google search for "korean cuisine" returned 2,550,000 pages so i'm sure there's something there that will be difficult for me to get wrong...and for whoever is doing the dessert.

i read that a full course meal is known as a hanjongshik. in it's simplest form it is made up of boiled rice, soup, kimchi (highly seasoned veg) and 3, 5, 7 or 12 banchan (side dishes). we'll probably do 3, but they'll be really good, promise:). unfortunately this time it won't include spicy boshintang - i'd hate to be the one to pop over to the butchers in stillorgan and ask for labrador fillet.

dian, i think you're the 'wildcard' this month so could i ask you to make one of the
banchan? we'll have to decide which one so there's no overlap. all that's left is to fix a date...matt+joanna i think we'll leave that to you since you've the busiest calendar around our scheduled date.


At 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds good to me!

At 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops - Dian.

At 5:06 PM, Blogger selu said...

so...m+j do you guys have a date proposal?

At 4:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Selu's sister here:

You guys (& girls) are an inspiration...please patent THK and then allow us to use it to strengthen and lengthen our own family friendships.

God bless as you have fun together - girls....there are some wonderful bible games to be had out there....take it along those lines....great christian movies too....why not use the time together not only to get to know each other more but to also get closer to Him - our master and soon coming king!


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