Monday, May 29, 2006

THK5 Thai

THK5 - Thai Night

Hard to believe that we're into our fifth month of THK! It was our first without M & J who are away for a month. THK5 will be remembered for several reasons, not least of which was the "BIG NEWS" which came up quite accidentally in conversation :)

We were chuffed to have the soon-to-be-leaving Swopes join us for the meal. Jack was a wiz with the dishes afterwards and made sure that this husband's kitchen, while not as spotless as Geraldine normally has it, was not the scene of utter carnage that it usually is when we're done. Thanks Jack.
We found out that Larisa doesn't eat seafood, except maybe the poor chicken that drowns while attempting to flee a yacht (hypothetically, of course). The Chicken that Tasted Like Fish and the Curious Incident of Carrot-Cake at the Ambassador's Soiree were only 2 of the wonderful stories from Vicky who kept entertained all evening. Lucas withdrew from our somewhat boring adult company to the pleasures of PlayStation once his Shadow had to go to bed. Said Shadow was in a particularly good mood yesterday...sadly it was all before my fried banana dessert (more of that later) so I can't claim credit for that. Bummer.

Onto the food. A logistical mix-up meant that we'd no official starter course. Fortunately there was Sam - Dian’s visitor and stand-in Husband for THK, who at really short notice whipped up a noodle + shrimp stir-fry to save us from starter hell. It went down a treat with the punters, except Larisa who had none (since it wasn't the chicken that drowned in the sea).

By then we'd waited 3 hours for the main, and elsewhere this may have resulted in an "incident". Not here. It was worth every second of the wait. John made green chilli chicken in coconut broth served on a bed of rice. Yummy! Recipe here. I managed to get a tiny bit of seconds when I saw Dian hovering over the buffet and came up alongside his shoulder. This timely action secured me a few remnants that would otherwise have ended up on his plate. Yeah, it was that good.
John told us that the chicken benefited from a particularly long marinade. It was quite spicy but not to anyone's discomfort, being tempered by the lemongrass. Dian pointed out that every main we've had has been spicy which is interesting.

This left us with dessert. Being the wildcard, John had asked me to take care of dessert. I chose to make Thai fried bananas with chocolate caramel sauce and ice cream. I modified this recipe here. The bananas were dipped in rice flour + coconut milk batter before deep frying. For the caramel sauce I melted choc caramel candy in milk and butter and added Schwarz powdered caramel sauce.

We (S&B) will be away for the next THK which means the main will be passed on to next in line and I think that’s Matt.


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